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Release The Shackles

Release The Shackles


Our recovery tells the story of our innate strength and our resilience.
Our ability to stand back up when the world is against us is how we fiercely roar.
How we rise and grow, whilst faced with adversity inspires wisdom and passion.
Walking our truth, living a life that others say is impossible; this is the currency we trade.
We release the shackles and are free.

This anthology explores the heart-wrenching journey each author overcame with inspiring strength and raw emotion. Bringing the depth of their own unique traumatic conflicts to each chapter, they each navigated challenges and risks to release all that was holding them back. Each author has also faced the consequences of hiding in their shame and now stand in an awe inspiring truth that breaking their silence created. Forging their own paths, they have released themselves from the chains of doubt, pain and trauma to reveal their innate power and strength.

Featuring: Justine Martin, Angelina Pellegrino, Susie Evans, Sherri Reed, Caroline Watson, Susan Bibby, Charlotte Foot, Samantha J, Aldwyn Altuney, Angie Hagen, Kim Savige, Nicole Lemaster, Meredith Heppell, Sharon Le Fort, Danielle Gale, Carmela F, and Sandie Maree.

  • Extra Information

    This is a signed copy from our co author Justine Martin. Please put in notes section who you would like the book adressed to. Price includes postage. 

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